Regional Job Club Materials

Regional Job Club Handbook 2017-18: HANDBOOK WORD
All the information you need to start your own Regional Job Club. The handbook includes materials list, permission slips, fill-able event planning forms, student surveys, timelines and checklists, letter to host employers, etc.

Regional Job Club Extensions Activities: This link goes to the folder with all the Job Theme folders, Career Search Activity, Transportation, etc. These can be used for independent study and extended learning for students after attending a RJC event.
Regional Job Club Extension Activities

Regional Job Club Google Shared Folder:  FOLDER
Resources inside this folder get updated, so you can always access the latest versions of forms/documents/handbook, etc.
Resources include: Handbook, Independent Living Fair materials, Job theme folders and Extension activities for students to follow up with after a RJC event. Past iMovies/videos of events and power point archived.

NOTE: The documents in the handbook are available individually in the shared folder as WORD and Google Docs files that you can download and adapt to fit your needs.

OSTC Regional Job Club Presentation
This link goes to a pdf version of the power point presented at the 2018 OSTC. There are 2 mini tutorials embedded - 1: Mini-tutorial on designing Google forms Work theme Student Surveys & 2: Mini tutorial on Developing a shared google Calendar for teachers/YTP Specialists to collaborate on mini trips and share dates and locations to take students for customized job tours.
pdf of PowerPoint

RJC Independent Living Fair Resources:
Donna Lowry,  Region 8 TNF & Pre ETS Support Specialist designed a day event with speakers and vendors for students to gather information on costs involved with moving out and independent living. The shared folder contains her presentation at the 2017 OSTC and will be updated with other materials as they are developed to help you put on your own Independent Living Fair.
Independent Living Fair shared folder link

Work Interest Surveys Customized by County in Eastern Oregon:

You can download a copy into your own Google Drive and then edit and make your own customized survey. Shared Folder Link 

Tutorials that will help develop surveys and share in a region with schools to coordinate mini trips: 
Creating Work Theme Interest Surveys in Google Forms PDF download
Creating Google Shared Calendar to organize Mini RJC Field trips PDF download

Regional Job Club Logo Items:

Hermiston High School's CTE program has "DAWG Prints", a logo printing business on campus. They are training some of the Transition students to learn the online merchandising, packing, sorting and shipping. It is strictly a Hermiston School District CTE in-school business. NO PROFIT GOES TO REGIONAL JOB CLUB. We have ordered them as teams to wear at events and get for student drawings, prizes, raffles.
If you are interested in purchasing T-shirts, water bottles, stickers, mugs, etc. Contact DAWG prints by email for prices and ordering.


Can be white w/green logo or Black with white logo; S,M, L, XL, XXL