Tuesday, August 16, 2016

It Takes a Village: Creating a Culture for Work

Review each of 5 Pre ETS.

Look at Resources from DCDT The Division on Career Development & Transition a presentation by Akron Public Schools (Transition Services )   
NTACT Career Development Resources - note: Sub Topics are Pre ETS areas http://transitionta.org
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition

Look at what we wrote last year around Pre ETS.

Where do we see gaps?

Break into grade level groups and answer these questions?
a.     What do you see as an area to improve out of the 5 domains?

b.     What would be one goal to set to work on this year that would strengthen our 
         Pre ETS?

c.      What can we do to increase cultural change and awareness in our school curriculum, environment, culture, etc. that would move us closer to an expectation to work?

Report back to entire group.

Access Counseling on Income and Benefits Management through WIN

The Oregon WIN, Work Incentive Network  is a free benefits and work incentives planning service provided by 6 Oregon Centers for Independent Living to people with disabilities that want to work.

The location for Eastern Oregon is in Ontario at Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living.
The contact is:
JENNIFER BONNELL jbonnell@eocil.org (541) 889-3119 or 1-(866) 248-8369 (toll free)

WIN has some great resources for you. Here is a link from Oregon.gov to access a list of WIN fact sheets and information to help you.